Medallic Art Co. Hall of Fame for Great Americans - 50 Medal Set - Gem

Neat set. All medals are bronze and are the 44mm type. All are ultra high relief. Here are the following medals in the set (in no particular order):

  1. Beecher, Henry Ward - Category: Clergyman - Issued: 1963
  2. MacDowell, Edward A. - Category: Artist - Issued: 1964
  3. Parkman, Francis - Category: Author - Issued: 1971
  4. Booth, Edwin Thomas - Category: Artist - Issued: 1970
  5. Washington, Booker T. - Category: Educator - Issued: 1970
  6. Newcomb, Simon - Category: Scientist - Issued: 1970
  7. Whistler, James A.M. - Category: Artist - Issued: 1972
  8. Eads, James Buchanan - Category: Engineer - Issued: 1971
  9. Wald, Lillian - Category: Humanitarian - Issued: 1971
  10. Gray, Asa - Category: Scientist - Issued: 1972
  11. Jackson, T.J. "Stonewall" - Category: Military - Issued: 1972
  12. Adams, John Quincey - Category: Statesman - Issued: 1972
  13. Fulton, Robert - Category: Inventor - Issued: 1966
  14. Williams, Roger - Category: Clergyman - Issued: 1963
  15. Mitchell, Maria - Category: Scientist - Issued: 1965
  16. Edison, Thomas Alva - Category: Inventory - Issued: 1965
  17. Westinghouse, George - Category: Inventor - Issued: 1963
  18. Cooper, Peter - Category: Philanthropist - Issued: 1963
  19. Stuart, Gilbert C. - Category: Artist - Issued: 1968
  20. Gorgas, William C. - Category: Physician - Issued: 1969
  21. Irving, Washington - Category: Author - Issued: 1968
  22. Saint-Gaudens, Augustus - Category: Artist - Issued: 1971
  23. Mann, Horace - Category: Educator - Issued: 1971
  24. Lowell, James Russell - Category: Author - Issued: 1970
  25. Marshall, John - Category: Lawyer - Issued: 1965
  26. Willard, Frances E. - Category: Humanitarian - Issued: 1969
  27. Longfellow, Henry W. - Category: Author - Issued: 1970
  28. Lanier, Sidney - Category: Author - Issued: 1969
  29. Holmes, Oliver Wendell Jr. - Category: Lawyer - Issued: 1970
  30. Motley, John Lothrop - Category: Author - Issued: 1970
  31. Whitman, Walt - Category: Author - Issued: 1971
  32. Howe, Elias - Category: Inventor - Issued: 1971
  33. Adams, John - Category: Statesman - Issued: 1971
  34. Kent, James - Category: Lawyer - Issued: 1968
  35. Addams, Jane - Category: Humanitarian - Issued: 1968
  36. Channing, William E. - Category: Clergyman - Issued: 1968
  37. Thoreau, Henry David - Category: Author - Issued: 1963
  38. Penn, William - Category: Statesman - Issued: 1966
  39. Morton, William T.G. - Category: Physician - Issued: 1966
  40. Palmer, Alice Freeman - Category: Educator - Issued: 1964
  41. Lyon, Mary - Category: Education - Issued: 1967
  42. Wright Brothers (Orville and Wilbur) - Category: Inventors - Issued: 1967
  43. Wilson, Woodrow - Category: Statesman - Issued: 1966
  44. Bell, Alexander Graham - Category: Inventor - Issued: 1963
  45. Bancroft, George - Category: Author - Issued: 1964
  46. Clemens, Samuel L. - Category: Author - Issued: 1963
  47. Brooks, Phillips - Category: Clergyman - Issued: 1965
  48. Jones, John Paul - Category: Military - Issued: 1968
  49. Poe, Edgar Allan - Category: Author - Issued: 1963
  50. Roosevelt, Theodore - Category: Statesman - Issued: 1969

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